Welcome, Gamers

What is this blog?

Hi! I am Eleanor Rees. Firstly, thank you for viewing my blog. I am a 20-something year old from the UK. I am autistic and have always had special interests.

Throughout my whole life, I have been told “it’s just a book” or “it’s just a TV show” or even “it’s just a celebrity” and now, I get told “it’s just a game” a lot.

I am not a gaming journalist. I am a gamer; I love games so I write about them here. Ultimately, this blog is about my gaming experience. I am passionate about games, so I might write some guides or tips, or I might share my opinion on something going on in the gaming community or I might even write about gaming gaming news that I’m excited about. I hope that by sharing my experiences, I help other gamers feel less alone. I’m not the best at gaming, but I love it so much. I guess that by writing what I write, I hope to find other people like me who love games and overthink about them a lot.

What games are covered?

Persona 5 Royal

Any game can be covered! If you want to see me cover a game, want to know my opinion on a game or character or if you want to see someone else ramble about the same things you are- let me know! I am willing to at the very least give it a try.

For reference though, my favourite games are Pokemon, Persona 5 Royal and The Witcher 3. I’m trying to try a bit of everything, and I even play a randomly chosen game every month.


Scheduled posts will be posted as follows:

Monday: Gaming Quote of the Week (from the previous week).
Friday: Weekly post about whatever I want to talk about regarding gaming.
First Friday of every month (with exception of the first 3 days falling on a Friday): Monthly gaming Progress Report, where you find out what both me and my partner have been up to for the past month.

If there are any problems that arise that mean I can’t post, I will post on my social medias to let you know.

Gaming is our cultural bogeyman – we blame it for everything from child obesity to violence to short attention spans. But any explanation that fits every situation ultimately explains nothing.

Naomi Alderman